
We go beyond the solution for your business

BW is a brazilian company specialized in business intelligence, regulatory affairs and foreign trade services.

Our purpose is to meet our customers needs through a customized service offering solutions that provide competitive advantages and create value for your business.

Business Intelligence

Get to know the opportunities and threats of your business and increase your chances of sucess by basing your strategies and decisions on consistent data.
  • Tracking of all import and exporf from 50 countries (North America, Latin America, Europe, Africa and Asia)
  • Analysis of volumes, prices, products, importers, exporters, seasonality, etc...
  • Elaboration of customized management reports
  • Vision of your competitors actions
  • Anticipation of trends
  • Risk mitigation
  • Costs reduction

Regulatory Affairs

Have your products dully registered in Brazil as per the Brazilian Sanitary Legislation in force.
  • Registration of imported products at MAPA (Ministry of Agriculture of Brazil) and ANVISA (Brazilian Sanitary Agency)
  • Regularization of rejected registrations and products
  • Nutrition facts labels preparation
  • Products, labels and layouts
  • Foreign establishments registration
  • Technical data sheet preparation
  • Solution of technical regulatory affairs doubts
  • Technical support for legal defense elaboration
  • Management of urgency issues related to products and cargoes

Foreign Trade

The internacionalization is a great alternative for the growth of your business.
  • International customers and business development
  • Global Sourcing
  • Feasibility studies to import products
  • Special products on-demand

We look forward to your contact

E-mail: contato@boldwork.com.br